Cleveland - On America's North Coast
Application Form and Information Request
Pediatric Resident Abstracts and Presentations

Message From the Chairman of The Division of Pediatrics


Thank you for your interest in The Cleveland Clinic’s Pediatric Residency Program. Whether your professional plans are to provide primary care or to pursue subspecialty training, we offer a wealth of clinical experience in a collegial setting.  This program was established in 1951 and has filled in the NRMP match over the past nine years.

A large number of students from Ohio State, Penn State and other universities have done their core pediatric rotations here at The Cleveland Clinic over a number of years, and we are embarking on the establishment of a four-year medical school in association with Case Western Reserve University. The first class is slated to begin in 2004; the next few years will be an exciting time at the Foundation.

The Children's Hospital at The Cleveland Clinic is a hospital within a hospital and has seen ever-increasing patient volume over the last decade. The pediatric staff has grown from a small, very select group of about 20 subspecialists in 1985 to its current staff of approximately 88 full-time members in the Division of Pediatrics along with a number of pediatric radiologists, pediatric subspecialty surgeons, anesthesiologists and other professionals who work almost exclusively at The Children's Hospital at The Cleveland Clinic. The number of residents in our Categorical Pediatric Resident Program has almost tripled over the last five years, and our current intern class has 13 full-time pediatric residents. In the summer of 2001, we opened a Level III Neonatal Intensive Care Unit; and also in 2001, The Cleveland Clinic Health System was responsible for approximately 14,000 deliveries in the City of Cleveland.

During the past five years the Cleveland Clinic's pediatric residents have been the dominant group making presentations at the Midwest Society of Pediatric Research meeting. In 2002, 10 abstracts submitted by our residents were accepted for presentation.

Under a signed agreement with Kaiser Permanente, all children enrolled in the plan receive inpatient medical care at the Cleveland Clinic Children's Hospital. Our pediatricians will also provide outpatient specialty consultation for these children. Kaiser Permanente serves more than 150,000 subscribers in Northeastern Ohio.

We feel that we have a very strong program with an excellent balance between general pediatrics and subspecialty pediatric care. What differentiates our program from others is an extremely strong outpatient experience in both the general and subspecialty areas. I invite you to compare our program to others and would encourage you to visit us and also do an elective here so you can see the advantages of our system firsthand. I look forward to meeting you.


Michael Levine, M.D.
Physician-in-Chief, The Children's Hospital at The Cleveland Clinic
Chairman, Division of Pediatrics


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