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Pediatric Resident Abstracts and Presentations

Support Services

When the Lerner Education and Research Institute opened its doors in May of 1999, one of the most anticipated features was the new Cleveland Clinic Alumni Library.  The library's collection includes approximately 9000 textbooks, 875 journal titles, CD-Roms, videotapes, audiocassettes and slides.  Databases include Medline, PubMed Knowledge Finder, AIDSLINE, Bioethics, Cancer LIT, Cinakl, ClinPsyc, Compendex, HealthStar, Info Trac's Health Reference Center and EBM-Evidence Based Medicine.  Harrisons Online, Journals@OVID, MDConsult, StatRef!, UpToDate access to 200+ jounral titles online.

Specialized patient care support services include phlebotomy, electrocardiogram technicians and patient transport teams.

Complete medical photography and medical illustration services are available for the preparation of poster presentations, lectures and scientific articles. Computer-generated illustration and graphics are available.


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