Cleveland Clinic
Specialty Services Symposium: Medical, Surgical and Quality
June 3, 2008 InterContinental Hotel & Bank of America Conference Center | Cleveland, Ohio

Sharing World Class Developments with You

A new Administration, a stagnant economy and healthcare reform placed high on the agenda - just some of the challenges we in the healthcare industry will be facing in 2009 and beyond. Regardless of the direction these events take, there is one certainty: the pressure for healthcare organizations to demonstrate high-quality outcomes and value for the cost will increase. Cleveland Clinic's group practice model and our Institute structure enable us to provide high-quality care with world class outcomes in the most efficient manner possible. This fact has been demonstrated in the Dartmouth Atlas' 2008 report "Tracking the Care of Patients with Severe Chronic Illness" by Wennberg et. al. We have also tracked our own outcomes, and publish them yearly.

Market and Network Services is pleased to announce that we will be hosting our second annual Specialty Services Symposium on May 6, 2009. During this one-day event, you will have the chance to see and hear from our professionals just how our outcomes translate into more efficient, better care for your patients, employees or members. Please visit our web site to learn more about this exciting event. I look forward to hosting you in May.

I hope you find our second issue of "Speaking of Specialty Services" informative. As always, we appreciate your feedback, and wish you a happy and healthy holiday season.

Michael McMillan
Executive Director,
Market and Network Services,
Cleveland Clinic