Person scooping up water in hands from creek

The Dangers of Drinking Spring Water and Raw Water

Drinking untreated water can have dangerous consequences, like bacterial infections

When Is It Too Late To Treat Lazy Eye?

While it’s best to fix amblyopia during childhood, it can also be addressed as an adult

Baby Go-Time: Advice for Dads and Other Support People

Plan ahead, pack that bag, be attentive and be an advocate

Can You Take an ADHD Medication Holiday?

There are times and cases when physician-supervised breaks may be beneficial

You First: Why Women’s Health Matters

A snapshot of a waiting room at a women's health clinic.
Defining Women’s Health

Inclusion is at the heart of women’s health

illustration of woman performing yoga
Self-Care Isn’t Selfish: 17 Tips for Making Yourself a Priority

You may need a mental shift to start caring for your physical and mental well-being

healthcare provider speaking with older female in office
How Estrogen Supports Heart Health

Your natural estrogen levels support a healthy heart by improving your cholesterol, increasing blood flow and reducing free radicals

Tips for a Healthy Spring

Illustration pof of person blowing nose in front of background of various plants and weeds
How To Tame Your Spring Allergies

Reduce the impact of seasonal sniffles by starting your medications ahead of time

person on beach applying sunscreen
Love Outdoor Workouts and Sports? Don’t Forget Your Sunscreen

Make sure you use a high SPF formula, apply enough and reapply throughout the day

woman washing windows
How Spring Cleaning Is Good for Your Health

Go ahead, clear out that clutter — it’s good for you!

Nutrition and Healthy Eating

Heart-healthy foods in a heart-shaped dish on wooden table with other heart-shaped filled bowls
Heart-Healthy Foods To Add to Your Grocery List

Eating more natural, whole foods can lower your risk of heart and cardiovascular diseases

Veggie tray with cream cheese dip in center of tray
Recipe: Cream Cheese Vegetable Dip

Nonfat and low-fat cream cheese combine for great taste

Person in yellow tshirt and blue jeans relaxing on green couch in living room reading texts on their phone.
Here’s How Many Calories You Naturally Burn in a Day

Your metabolism may torch 1,300 to 2,000 calories daily with no activity

Common Concerns

female examining neck wrinkles
Neck Wrinkles? Here’s What Can Help

Give the delicate skin on your neck some TLC by wearing sunscreen every day and trying a retinoid or topical antioxidant

Tweezers, tick, plastic bag
Grab Your Tweezers: Here’s How to Safely Remove a Tick

Using blunt-tipped tweezers, pull the critter up gently to remove it from your kid’s skin and then bag it to take to a healthcare provider for identification

Acrylic nails being filed by manicurist
Are Acrylic Nails Bad for Your Nails and Skin?

Before your next manicure, weigh the reward against the risk of infection, irritated skin and damaged nails

Taking Care of Family

Caregiver leaning over happy baby
What Are Baby Wake Windows? And How Long Should They Be?

Knowing how much time your baby should typically go between naps can help keep them on a more regular schedule

Pregnant woman sitting on couch at home holding her stomach and back, wincing in discomfort
10 Signs Labor May Be Beginning

Everyone’s unique, and there’s no exact checklist of symptoms, but you may feel contractions, cramps and pelvic pressure

Caregiver and child sitting in front of toilet holding toilet paper rolls
How To Potty Train: Our Best Tips

Set your child up for potty training success by waiting until they’re ready, keeping the pressure low and going heavy on the praise

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The Importance of Understanding Your Eating Habits

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Is Joint Pain Linked to Heart Disease?

Research shows a strong association between rheumatoid arthritis and heart issues

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Recipe: Roasted Italian Vegetable Pasta Salad

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Organic Foods: Are They Better for You?

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Couvade Syndrome: When Partners Develop Pregnancy Symptoms

Sympathetic pregnancy is real and can cause nausea, vomiting, weight gain, fatigue and other symptoms

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First, reflect on your specific workout goals, and then pick and choose your fitness equipment

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5 Reasons To Try Tamarind

With a sweet, tangy flavor, this tropical fruit is super versatile and high in antioxidants

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